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Get to know quickly about Silver Nanowires Preparation, Performance, Parameters and Application
There are a lot of new technologies in the materials industry, but few have been industrialized. Scientific research studies the problem of “from zero to one”, and what companies have to do is to turn the results into mass-produced products with stable quality. Hongwu Nano is now industrial...
Nano materials for antibacterial use
Today we’d like to share some antibacterial use nanoparticles material as below: 1. Nano silver Antibacterial principle of nano silver material (1). Change the permeability of the cell membrane. Treating bacteria with nano silver can change the permeability of the cell membrane, leading to the loss of ...
Carbon nanomaterials Introduction
Carbon nanomaterials Introduction For a long time, people only know that there are three carbon allotropes: diamond, graphite and amorphous carbon. However, in the past three decades, from the zero-dimensional fullerenes, one-dimensional carbon nanotubes, to two-dimensional graphene has been continuous...
Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles May Help Prevent Biofilm Formation and Caries
If hair loss is a problem for adults, then tooth decay (scientific name caries) is a common headache problem for people of all ages. According to statistics, the incidence of dental caries among adolescents in my country is over 50%, the incidence of dental caries among middle-aged people is over 80%, ...
Applications of ZnO Zinc Oixde nanoparticles
ZnO Zinc Oixde nanoparticles is a new type of high-functional fine inorganic product of the 21st century. The nano sized zinc oxide produced by Hongwu Nano has a particle size of 20-30nm, due to its finer particle size and large specific surface area, the material has surface effects, small size effect...