Alumina Nanopowders

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Get to know quickly about Silver Nanowires Preparation, Performance, Parameters and Application
There are a lot of new technologies in the materials industry, but few have been industrialized. Scientific research studies the problem of “from zero to one”, and what companies have to do is to turn the results into mass-produced products with stable quality. Hongwu Nano is now industrial...
Nano materials for antibacterial use
Today we’d like to share some antibacterial use nanoparticles material as below: 1. Nano silver Antibacterial principle of nano silver material (1). Change the permeability of the cell membrane. Treating bacteria with nano silver can change the permeability of the cell membrane, leading to the loss of ...
Three most commonly used nano and ultra-fine conductive powders
There are three types of commonly used conductive powders:  1. Metal-based conductive powder: such as silver, copper, nickel powders, etc. There is no doubt that spherical and flake silver powder has the best electrical conductivity, stable chemical properties, and strong corrosion resistance.       Th...
Transparent thermal insulation coating for light absorption to change energy consumption
Modern buildings use a large number of thin and transparent exterior materials such as glass and plastic. While improving indoor lighting, these materials inevitably cause sunlight to enter the room, causing indoor temperature to rise. In summer, as the temperature rises, people generally use air condi...
Silver Nanoparticles: Properties and Applications
Silver nanoparticles have unique optical, electrical, and thermal properties and are being incorporated into products that range from photovoltaics to biological and chemical sensors. Examples include conductive inks, pastes and fillers which utilize silver nanoparticles for their high electrical condu...