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Silver Nanoparticles Usages
Silver Nanoparticles Usages The most widely silver nanoparticles uses is its anti-bacterial and anti-virus, various additives in the paper, plastics, textiles for anti-bacterial anti-virus.About 0.1% of nano layered nano-silver inorganic antibacterial powder has strong inhibition and killing effect on ...
Get to know quickly about Silver Nanowires Preparation, Performance, Parameters and Application
There are a lot of new technologies in the materials industry, but few have been industrialized. Scientific research studies the problem of “from zero to one”, and what companies have to do is to turn the results into mass-produced products with stable quality. Hongwu Nano is now industrial...
Nano Fullerene greatly enhances material electrical conductivity
“Nature” magazine published a new method developed by the University of Michigan in the United States, inducing electrons to “walk through” in organic materials fullerenes, far beyond the limits previously believed. This study has increased the potential of organic materials for...
The Principle of Heat Conduction of Nanodiamonds
      In crystallography, the diamond structure is also called the diamond cubic crystal structure, which is formed by the covalent bonding of carbon atoms. Many of the extreme properties of diamond are the direct result of the sp³ covalent bond strength that forms a rigid structure and a small number ...
About conductive silver powder and Ag paste formula
Conductive silver paste with pure conductive silver powders is a composite conductive polymer material, which is a mechanical mixture paste composed of metal conductive silver powder, base resin, solvent and additives. Conductive silver slurry has excellent electrical conductivity and stable performanc...