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Nanopowders for Cosmetics
Nanopowders for Cosmetics Indian scholar Swati Gajbhiye etc have research on the nanopowders applied for cosmetics and list the nanopowders in the chart as above.As a manufacturer worked in nanoparticles for more than 16 years, we have all them at offer only except the Mica. But according to our resea...
The Principle of Heat Conduction of Nanodiamonds
      In crystallography, the diamond structure is also called the diamond cubic crystal structure, which is formed by the covalent bonding of carbon atoms. Many of the extreme properties of diamond are the direct result of the sp³ covalent bond strength that forms a rigid structure and a small number ...
Silicon nanoparticles can increase the capacity of lithium batteries by 10 times!
Silicon nanoparticles materials are considered to have the prospect of manufacturing large-capacity batteries because of their abundant reserves and the ability to absorb more lithium ions than the graphite used in lithium batteries. However, silicon particles expand and contract when absorbing and rel...
Nano Fullerene greatly enhances material electrical conductivity
“Nature” magazine published a new method developed by the University of Michigan in the United States, inducing electrons to “walk through” in organic materials fullerenes, far beyond the limits previously believed. This study has increased the potential of organic materials for...
Nano materials for antibacterial use
Today we’d like to share some antibacterial use nanoparticles material as below: 1. Nano silver Antibacterial principle of nano silver material (1). Change the permeability of the cell membrane. Treating bacteria with nano silver can change the permeability of the cell membrane, leading to the loss of ...