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Get to know quickly about Silver Nanowires Preparation, Performance, Parameters and Application
There are a lot of new technologies in the materials industry, but few have been industrialized. Scientific research studies the problem of “from zero to one”, and what companies have to do is to turn the results into mass-produced products with stable quality. Hongwu Nano is now industrial...
Silver Nanoparticles Usages
Silver Nanoparticles Usages The most widely silver nanoparticles uses is its anti-bacterial and anti-virus, various additives in the paper, plastics, textiles for anti-bacterial anti-virus.About 0.1% of nano layered nano-silver inorganic antibacterial powder has strong inhibition and killing effect on ...
Nano Silver Antibacterial Dispersion, Monomer Nano Silver Solution, Nano Silver Colloid
Nano silver antibacterial dispersion, monomer nano-silver solution, and nano-silver colloid all refer to the same product here, which is a solution of highly dispersed nano-silver particles. Its antibacterial effect is very high, and it is sterilized by nano-effects. The antibacterial time is long-last...
Transparent thermal insulation coating for light absorption to change energy consumption
Modern buildings use a large number of thin and transparent exterior materials such as glass and plastic. While improving indoor lighting, these materials inevitably cause sunlight to enter the room, causing indoor temperature to rise. In summer, as the temperature rises, people generally use air condi...
Introduction and application of nano antibacterial materials
Nano antibacterial materials are a kind of new materials with antibacterial properties. After the emergence of nanotechnology, antibacterial agents are prepared into nano-scale antibacterial agents through certain methods and techniques, and then prepared with certain antibacterial carriers into a mate...